90th Anniversary Banquet   March 18, 2016 at the Ogden Eccles Conference Center
and Anniversary Celebration Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016 at the NZBC
To God Be the Glory for the marvelous things He has done!
Mary G & Evelyn NixonMae GlynnJackie, Bertha, Dina & Allyssa ElliottDelores & ChrisDavid, Debbie & SenecaJuNare & Marty CopeThe Olivers (Detorea & Joe & Family)Josh & Mrs LucasDale & MaryCindy Gentry Thomas (rotated left)DSCF2630Betty Smauldon (side view)Tammy & Pops (titled left)

The congregation of the NZBC offers our deepest and most sincere appreciation to each of you who have graced us with your presence as we’ve endeavored to commemorate a milestone in the life of our church. Because of God’s marvelous grace and your continued support and prayers, New Zion thankfully acknowledges after 90 years that we’re still standing, we’re still here and we’re still strong ~ God be praised!



(l-r) Former NZBC Pastor’s James Abrams (CA) & Dr. L.K. Curry (IL) with NZ Pastor Carey McCall, III, Associate Ministers; Rev. Lillie Holman & Rev. Michelle Boyer


Rev. Dr. L.K. Curry (Pastor Emeritus) of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Chicago, IL, 90th Anniversary Guest Celebrant


90th Anniversary Celebration Chairs; Trustee Tamara Larry & Dea. Dale Griffin


Former NZBC First Lady’s Phyllis McCall of UT & Gloria Abrams of CA


Rev. Dr. Augustus Curry, Esq., Cornerstone Baptist Church in Fayetteville, GA, 90th Anniversary Banquet Guest Celebrant