One of the most important values of the New Zion Baptist Church is do what Jesus told his disciples, to make disciples of all nations [Matthew 28:19 & 20] and let all know that we are “A Ministry Where Everyone Counts” [Ephesians 4:4].
New Zion Baptist Church is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother/grandfather, a busy mom/dad, or a business person with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can learn, serve, and grow at New Zion. Contact the Church Office at (801) 392.2211 for more information.
Announcements • Sis. Gwendolyn “Penny” Younger
Audio • Vacant
Benevolent • Dea. Dale Griffin
Choirs (Sounds of Praise) • Dea. Thomas White
Christian Education Dean/Director • Rev. Michelle Boyer
Church Clerk • Sis. Connie House
Community Street Outreach • Min. Benny Crawford / Sis. Cindy Thomas
Deaconess • Dcn. Betty Nunn
Deacons • Dea. Dale Griffin
Decorations • Dcn. Betty Nunn
Finance • Sis. Lovey Hairston / Bro. Thomas Larry
Financial Secretary / Treasurer • Sis. Tricia Frye-Broadnax
Kitchen / Cuisine • Sis. Cindy Thomas
Laymen / Junior Laymen • Vacant
Mission • Vacant
Pastor’s Encouragement • Dea. Harry Sr. & Dcn. Betty Nunn
Publicity • Vacant
Sunday School • Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr.
Trustees • Trustee Tamara Larry
Usher’s • Sis. Shelia White
* Young Adult & Youth
Van / Transportation • Bro. Ray Younger
Webmaster / Social Media / Graphics • Vacant
Women’s • Vacant
Youth / Young Adult • Sis. Kimberlene Butler